The California Association for Alcohol and Drug Educators (CAADE) and Addiction
Counselor Certification Board of California (ACCBC) has been re-accredited by the
National Commission for Certifying Agencies )/Institute for Credentialing Excellence
and effective March 11, 2019, CAADE/ACCBC is an approved Certifying Organization
(CO), fully recognized by DHCS!
Previously CAADE/ACCBC lost their accreditation on December 1, 2017, which
meant that from December 1, 2017, to March 10, 2019, DHCS only recognized two
certifying organizations, California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP)
and California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP). This is
great news and means that individuals who wish to obtain certification as an
Alcohol and Other Drug counselor in the State of California, can now do so through

Prior to this, there were only two other certifying organizations recognized by
DHCS. One of those certifying organizations was for DUI programs, and the other
CO served all the rest; the California Consortium of Addiction Programs and
Professionals (CCAPP).
Many clinicians applauded the old DHCS system of having more limited certifying
organizations, saying that it provided consistency and simplification to the
certification process for AOD counselors. Others complained that CCAPP shouldn’t
have a monopoly on the certification of AOD counselors and say that the
competition is good for the CO’s, ultimately raising the quality standards for the
AOD professionals themselves. We will have to wait and see!
Please Note: No CAADE certifications issued prior to March 11, 2019 will be
recognized as valid by DHCS.
If you would like more information on CAADE, please visit the CAADE website at,